I don't get people like you. I'm well aware that there are a lot of kike shills on 4chan, but it's the most "mainstream" non-mainstream place to get alternative views on things. I've found endchan through 4chan. I still go to 4chan because there are a lot of redpilled people on that place. And it's also nice to redpill newfags and normies that come there being confused and not understanding what the hell is going on. Do you think people who find endchan automaticaly will turn into NatSocs after years of brainwashing and indocrination?

If we're going to stay only on endchan how are we even going to share the ideology to get more traction? 

Therefore I think you are completely wrong in telling people not to visit 4chan "because of the kikes". 

> So jews can get a hold of it and try to not so subtly insert various shilling points and anti-Hitler propaganda? 

Kikes will try to change anything that they will get their hands on whether you hide or not. It's not like they can't visit this site, download the book and change it? We must share the truth anyway. Hiding somewhere and incouraging people not to share the truth about kikes does not seem like a good idea.