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thumbnail of Tarkin.jpeg
Tarkin jpeg
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> Not yet, I need to set up a new email address, I'll do it in a few days,
Why on earth would you ever do that for this board? Makes no sense

> They're both definitely Feds' entrapment bait.

This board's been getting hit with obvious infiltrators and honeypots this entire week. This board is slow as a snail and now we're having dozens of posts and threads that all revolve around the same thing all of the sudden: trust me and compromise yourself, fellow pollard! This isn't the first time we've had people shill for a random Telegram channel on this board. 

One shouldn't be so trusting, anon

I would just lock the thread and just leave the OPs urls for viewing if people keep shilling for even more honeypots here, or just repost and make a new one