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Telegram seems just as botnet as discord, at least discord only requires an email. Encrypted Emails are the best form of digital communication outside of Imageboards in my opinion.
Since I have completed Germania, and it has had good reviews, I am working on a new project in a different format. I've seen the "red pills of Zion" pastebins circulating around imageboards, but 90% of all the links are dead, 404 or removed. So I'm creating an index of every single red pill and statistic that I've discovered with up-to-date sources. It will be categorized and released as pdf with clickable links. I'm quite passionate about writing. This is the sort of structure I have planned:
Anthropology (White Achievements: Art, Architecture, Technology, Science, Medicine)
(IQ, behavior, and skeletal differences between "races" (hominid species), black crime, the radical minority myth ect.) Demographics of Europe and the US.
Ancient Greece
Roman Republic
Roman Empire
Republic of Venice
Republic of Florence
White Slavery
Jewish History / Medieval Jewry
Freemasonry & Hiram Abiff
Illuminati - good goys
American Revolution
French Revolution
The Great War
Weimar Republic
Frankfurt School
Cold War
John F. Kennedy
Klu Klux Klan (pro-tip It's jewed)
September 11 Attacks
Donald Trump / Conservatism
Degeneracy (Sexual Degeneracy, Abortion, Feminism, LGBT)
Education and Media
Internet jews and a security howto
and finish it up with some /sig/ links on healthy living and fitness