Returning back to this  >>/82583/ I think I have a few solutions for what you want

2 things you and anyone else can do

1) There's a thing called a "farmer's market" where people sell their own wares to the public. There should be one wherever a person lives in. You can meet new people or you can always try your hand making one yourself. 
2) It's really easy to lease an empty space and host an art exhibit. Most people would really be happy to show their art

All of these things just take a little time. Most things in life are possible if you try hard enough

Things like this only happen in a decaying or almost dead society. In a healthy society, the opposite would occur. The same thing happened in Spain with "Generation of 98"

I took a few art classes once. Even won a competition making a replica of Ancient Greek art. The key is to look into good professors and classes. If (classic and good, not shit) art isn't a main thing in their curriculum, their classes won't be good