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Don't even waste your time. I can tell you this from personal experience. To learn about how Communism has influenced the minds of non-jews, I have told Communists I'm a Socialist. I just left out the National part. The mind of a Commie does not think rationally. You can't win in an argument with them unless they follow instructions to shut their mouths and listen.
Communism corrupts Gentile brains into jewish brains. I have debated Commies and I have debated jews. It's crazy how equally stubborn and ignorant their minds are while dismissing all evidence against their viewpoints. You won't get through one's cognitive dissonance the same as you wouldn't win arguing with a jew. Ever. There's something about Communism which I have not studied their founders in depth that causes these shitheads to take offense at anything under the sun. They have to either come to their senses themselves through waking up or dwell forever in ignorance. 

The bonus is this: They'll never be able to amass organized forces in agreement. They will always be a disorganized mess (like Antifa/BLM) because their minds are set against differing opinions. Infighting divides them. Even the smallest most worthless opinion difference that has nothing to do with their ideals whatsoever will set them off against each other.