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ADL jpg
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ADL png
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thumbnail of formation of ADL.mp4
formation of ADL mp4
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thumbnail of Apartheid adventures.webm
Apartheid adventures webm
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thumbnail of Frankie Boyle vs Israel.webm
Frankie Boyle vs... webm
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> Four Lions
One of the three writers, Sam Bain, is jewish. It's apparent why the movie was made. To continue pushing "please be afraid of Islamic extremists". It's spotlight diversion.
> Defamation, it's a documentary by Yoav Shamir
Who was born in Tel Aviv. I've seen it. He promotes the fraud as an actual event while following jews to their indoctrination, of course as an Israeli would. As I recall, he only succeeded in discovering the reports of "anti-semitism" the ADL kept claiming were minor as best as he followed up with typical jewish yarn spinners and then blacks who sadly understood more than most indo-Europeans. Yeah and with those blacks, they were aware enough to realize he was trying to manipulate the conversation. They said so. He tried to say the Protocols of Zion were bullshit (from the First Zionist Congress at Basle in 1897 led by Theodore Herzl), which jews plagiarized from Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu. They claim Gentiles "forged" that yet it was an offense enough to have a copy of the Protocols that Russians were executed at gunpoint by the Bolsheviks. Well, we know enough about the ADL and the hollowcaust. Obligatory:
Meanwhile, I recommend watching these and Abby Martin's interviews in Palestine. Her documentary is called "Gaza fights for freedom".