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It is no wonder one or the other finds prevelance in many of our kin though considering the situation. One of the hardest things in this age of misery is how isolating our situation is. Our forebears, those Men who stood and those men who merely followed for good or ill, for them it was a much simpler prospect. The enemy for them was clear. In a way it is clear for us also but by the same token it is not. Look at the Alternative Right and the modern "traditional" Christian movement. Both co opted beyond salvage, ravaged by the same disease that continues to haunt us even as we try to seek a direction to march towards. "Oh hey guys I run a podcast, send me bitcoin so I can make rudimentary predictions on what the Jews will always do, also feel free to join our forums and discord so we can datamine" or "Hey guys don't worry Christ has our backs, we'll win this so don't sweat it, also the earth is flat and giants are Old Testament truths, ignore the other semetic texts within it that countermand the New Testamant viewpoints". It is all the same old game by the same old players and yet here we sit watching as the disenfranchised populist supporters desperate in seeking a reason as to why events are happening as they are are in turn are funnelled into these pathetic simulacrums of resistance to the semetic powers. A sad truth is there is no political or spiritual path to victory at this time. There is us, only us. Can both the physical and spiritual be used as tools for our peoples survival to a degree, of course, what is a Man without faith in something above be it Christ, Woden or the heroes that came before, what is a Man without a clear vision of governance be it National Socialist or Fascist principals, he is but a small man of no import. But neither part can be allowed to take precedence over our people for both have inherit ideas that must compliment eachother when used in unison. A painful fact for Christians is that Christendom has failed, the texts that guided it proved fallible. Note I say Christendom, not Christ. Christ much like the older Gods of our people remains true and shall forever remain true. But Christendom has fallen to corruption by and large. The second harsh truth is that despite it's success National Socialism and Fascism have also both fallen. Despite it's effectiveness and ideals, much like Christianity it too has become subverted with the lunatic and the degenerate claiming it's symbols as their own be it in the "Neo Nazi" Jewish invented ethos or the tragically pathetic "Black Metal" scene who co opted it's symbolism for "edgy" visuals.

However when both Faith and the State are kept in check, kept within the bounds of ultimately serving our people, well they can make for true inspiration for they become tools for our people to create with. This is something the modern movements have entirely failed to understand. Modern Christians either pretend to be Traditional Catholics without batting an eye lid with their representitive wearing cat ears or the hilarious "Alt Right" religious wing is filled with zealots who consider such comically written books such as the Genesis 6 conspiracy to be legitimate or even the modern paganistic ideals with those who believe sitting in a forest chanting to trees to be "returning to tradition". Look at the costumed buffoon wearing a Swastika armband unironically while wandering the streets of Charlottesville or the British cretin who believes that wearing the Lightning Bolt upon his lapel at a National Action rally makes them "cool" rather than an imbecile, neither understanding the very underpinnings of National Socialism or British Fascism, this is the hallmark of this dark age. These beguiled fools, these desperate men cling to these ideals, cling to these symbols without ever truly understanding their purpose, their role or their importance for all they know is anger and resentment and they use these symbols in that way fanatically. Fanatics are needed in some forms yes but fanatics true to a cause, grounded within the truth of the symbol they raise high.