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"Social media" is a re-branding of "mass surveillance". In the same way "Cookies" are "Trackers".
Facebook, may in fact be, a US gov surveillance project straight out of the pentagon.

Social media is designed to be addictive and to keep you using it:
Facebook feeds you outrageous news in your feed because rage keeps you glued to the screen.
Gab functions in exactly the same way, it is a nest of republicans seething about the last bad thing democrats have done.
Youtube had a star system, this was a fairly good and useful rating system. This was replaced with a numberical system of likes and dislikes, the dislikes are rumoured to have their days numbered.
With facebook, there is no opposite of the like; There is only "like" and "this makes me angry".
Most social media sues an infinite scroll feed of information, you keep scrolling down looking for one bit of dopamine, surrounded by uninteresting drivel. This is more effective than to constantly serve you quality, as it would burn out your dopamine receptors.

This addictivenes is by design in both social media and entertainment in general.
In entertainment the examples are clearer.
In porn, Pornhub quite readily admits that they are feeding your porn addiction.
In gaming, lootboxes are designed around the same principles of casinos. Android games are even worse, as they are designed from the ground up around perpetual play and revenue streams.
Old games are cool tho.

This addictivenes serves a purpose, after all, it makes no sense to build walls around cattle you don't intend to milk and slaughter.
The walls are detailed above, they are your own instincts.
The profit however, is huge.
It is the knowledge of human group behavior.

Human beings are influenced by their environment and guided by their genetics.
We don't comprehend how exactly this process unfolds...
But tech giants have cracked a definite and reliable way of predicting the outcomes of these processes.

You should ask, why is every corporation looking into AI and Big Data?
On the surface, the answer seems to be that it is a corporate meme.
Most of it is, as it is implemented by brainless webdevs and pajeets who can't program for shit.
But as we've seen, much of it isn't.
Further still, how is it that target can tell that a woman is pregnant before she knows it?
How can it be that Amazon knows what you want before you tell them?

Try to remember: Was there any instance in which after mentioning an activity while talking with your friends, google showed store results with that item, and Amazon did too?
This is because all your online presence and FAGMANS accounts are linked to exploit you.
How this happens behind the doors is quite elaborate:

Firstly, you are more interesting as your demographic than as an individual.

Secondly, what websites you visit, and what links you click, what products you move your mouse over (and keep it there) are all recorded and associated.

Thirdly, this information is analyzed. Chiefly, what is a common behavior displayed by this demographic, and is there a relation to time or seasons, etc. This function has a job description: Big Data Analyst, or AI specialist.

Lastly, this information is sold to the highest bidder. This information is sold as a subscription because trends change.