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All of us, myself included, seek a leader to rally to. A banner to raise on their behalf so that we may be guided, so that we can lift our voices to theirs. So that we can find a brother to whom we can place our faith in. When I seek faith in our people, when I seek hope, I look to two places. I look to the texts of those who stood before in the hopes of understanding Men greater than I, their dreams and inspirations. Then I look to you. You who share in this struggle. Whom despite this dark hour stand tall, who even at our worst are still Men who would dare to resist, who have suffered the same torments yet still stand. Those who are defiant. I look to you because you are brothers, even with the constant denigration by the semite, even with constant subversion and attacks you refuse to yield. I have stated before everything written here is not simply the work of myself but rather those who came before and those who fight on still. They are written both because of you and for you as they were given to me in one form or another by those just like you. We heal each others wounds, we guide where we can, we fight the battles we can fight in the hopes of a better tomorrow. We must look to each other if we are to survive, we must look to those who have the Will and the vision to forge ahead into darkening night. In an age where social media and the cult of personality are so rampant it is to those who speak truth unfettered that our eyes must turn, to ourselves. The charlatan would ask for your coin. The liar would ask for your trust. Any who resist must ask but one thing from their brothers in this dark hour; that they stand for their people. Nothing more, nothing less. So I ask you, those who read these words, I ask you to rally, to rally for ourselves, for each other, to rise off your knees from the dirt and muck the semite would have us scrabble in.

Any Man worth hearing will ask we stand as one, that we find what path we can forward towards our goals in whichever form we choose be it simply enlightening one you trust to our plight or forming a group of local friends to share a drink and make preparations for a future that is grim or even simply doing what you can to lift the souls of brothers lost to the misery of this age. It takes bravery to walk this path. It takes strength, courage and nobility. It takes sincerity. Every step we take echoes in our wake, every footfall through the ashes of this age is a marker for those who would follow behind us, who would stand with us as the hour grows late. It is no one leaders banner we raise. It is the banner of our people in whatever form we choose to give it that we raise. It will burn brightly, the banner you raise, scouring the darkness around you leading kindred souls to you. It is those brothers at your side, those who would share your faith that your faith in turn must be placed within as well. Only then can we be sure we will not lose our way. We are Men against time. Men against a world twisted and deformed from what it should be. Men tested to their limits by the wounds we bare and the nightmares encroaching on us. But we are Europeans, we are blood, no matter the centuries separated by colonisation, no matter the distances we travel. We are brothers. We are not alone. You are not alone. It is not talking heads or political leaders we must turn to now but each other, to ourselves. So that should we tire of all this pain they may shield us so that we may get back upon our feet. So that we in turn can protect those who need protecting, so that our women and children need no longer live in fear, so that our families and our blood have a future free from the semites clutches.