I just watch a Michael E Jones vid, and he clearly knows a lot more about the Bible than me, so I'll listen to him until necessary, but I'll keep my ideas about eugenics as important as always (a nation united by blood is stronger than any other tie, fuck the liberals), he's a great source of info and can't be discarded just because he won't think in terms of blood, I'm willing to learn as much as I can from him the same way I've learned from many anons in here. On that Nick guy, it's fucking controlled opposition, he looks like the guy trying to capitalize on what seem to be a "white spring" with the mask, the "we us" Christians (Jesus is my lord so fuck you if you think i'm not close to The Lord, that's for Him to decide), the timing (debatable, so what sue me), the twitter power (if you still think twitter is not controlled just because you got your account you're a fucking moron, go read a few threads and learn some truth), the simple chaos he wants to create, a mark of the jew, just to get some power? really? a lot of noise and chaos to gain some power? do anons really think jews with money and power haven't think of guys like him rising to create chaos? Do anons really think a movement will start in fucking twitter? FUCKING TWITTER? what the fuck?
It's not true that every new generation is dummer than the one before, what's true is that older generation are more used to the new technologies and the tricks played by the old farts in control, what the old generations must do is teach the new folks how they infiltrate and subverse any and all movements created by Europeans (I could extend to Negroids and many others but you know what I mean, so Negroids and the many other reading apply this to get your nations freed from jewish slavery).
The only thing I can tell you anons is to love your folk and your nation, but those aren't my words, a man greater than I spoke them before I did, may he rest in peace, to be careful with grifters and stranger bearing gifts and not to despair, for the journey has become hard for all of us in here, but as english anon has put it in better words than me, we are not alone.
National socialism is the only way forward.