AntiRacist Hitler mp4
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> Negroids and the many other reading apply this to get your nations freed from jewish slavery
For blacks, this is more literal. They were given more rights and luxuries long after their ancestors were stolen by the jew with the word slave and negro and then after Judah Benjamin the jew's KKK intentional jewish race conflict. Now they're called black and 'wage worker', but for 14 year old Zoomer dipshits, that's "offensive" too. Yet if you say 'African American' it's "white and corny". They're portrayed in mainstream media as middle class uncle Toms so black people are coming across as much less 'gangsta' unless they're rapper posers or extreme lower class. They're middle America now, and by the jew, replacing European characters in media adaptations. This replacement is intentional and they're still enslaved to jewish organizations. Kikes only broadened their scope on who would be slaves and changed the words. We're all slaves now. It's called the 9 to 5. I'm all for blacks having Africa and European descendants emigrating back to Europe. I'm all for them taking Israel for the Black Hebrew movement. This video is why. Kikes deserve a taste of the same medicine.
> National socialism is the only way forward.
As it was in the 30s and mid 40s, it is now. Unlike the kike shill believes, eventual failure while there was success 33 through 45, does not equal intentional failure. There was the best attempt. The jewish banks were tricked as they first financed, but where afterwards cast out to their surprise. Thus the greedy bastards, with the loss of Germany in their worldwide plans for domination, were determined to crush National Socialism not only until 1945 but over 70 years following. National Socialism is the only ideal jews fear. They have stated their lies about it for decades and use fake examples to tighten their grip, but still shit themselves about the notion of losing authority to it again. When it rose in Germany the first time, jews fled over the years. Kikes would flee faster next time. That is why NS is the only way forward.