There are circumstances that COINTEL astroturfed groups are functionally useful for White Nationalism.

In their attempts to hijack movements, they have to first use their resources to impersonate them. If the movement is based on actual goals rather than personalities or symbols, then in order to impersonate they must promote those goals to hijack the movement. When they terminate their group, they will still have shifted the overton window and will have to have broken through the neo-Bolshevik terror and intimidation campaigns. 

If your movement's message consists of actual objectives rather than personality cult figures, buzzwords, and symbols, then just the attempt to hijack it will cause them to gain ground for you and they can do minimal damage to the movement.

The COINTEL strategy is to kill movements by creating negative associations with the symbols of the movement and by eliminating or capturing leadership of the movement. But in the case of White Nationalism which operates almost entirely out of the public eye, they have to create visible movements and introduce them to the public through media first to destroy them. If White Nationalism sticks to objectives, remains decentralized or underground, and uses symbols as disposable shifting things, then all the money pumped into COINTEL will actually just advance the cause.

The reality is by the time they get their shit together to actually discredit White Nationalism from white people's perspective, White Nationalism will have already taken over and their bosses will blacksite them for being neo-Bolshevik foreign agents.

The talent that the USA's agencies once possessed no longer supports it, but that doesn't prevent all the talented Whites from working towards their own objectives of returning Western states to White Nationalism and turning back the tide of soft power invasion by foreign nationals.