
I think if Hitler had focused more on covert organizations to autonomously eliminate foreign nationals and traitors he would have done better.

If he had people construct viable long term underground organizations that can maintain themselves and recruit independently, he could have taken over the USA and eliminated the Bolshevik spies from its institutions. 

The CIA's model of doing this is to combine their objectives with existing illicit networks since the illicit aspect of it is what maintains funding and keeps all members of it quiet, since discovery would take them down too. The problem with the CIA is that they made dumb arrangements with other networks, taking spies from foreign criminal networks into their leadership and organizations. The result was the whole thing was compromised while they told themselves they could handle it.

Combining covert assassination of foreign nationals in bulk by poisoning with existing drug networks as a White Nationalist cartel could work to solve the West's current problems. 

By using blackmarkets for funding and cover, they could take over other institutions to finance more projects and select from the population the best to form the basis of a new Western gene pool.

For instance, they could take over the banking industry through blackmarkets, gaining leverage over them and demanding their people be put in charge of banking there, then give interest free loans to the remaining Whites that are White Nationalists to grow their numbers, like how Jews do for their own group.

If they take the banks, they would have infinite money for all their other projects.