fe.settings:getUserBoardSettings - non array given[pol] - Endchan Magrathea
> the kike holocaust as the fraud it is or mentioning apartheid against Palestinians when your audience are retards.
Can relate just by starting the bullshit regarding of zyklon B does not kill someone within 20min by using that lets say 30g degesh can in room that is not heated circa 35°C for start of vaporizing but it would require 10s of kilos of it and room with full sealing without windows and special light switches heavy sealing doors etc combined that by liquid hydrogen cyianide the body would have large cherry red stains still it was pointless for them it happened period 
And regarding of palestine occupation i dont need to expand it almost every time it goes into
"But israel is in defensive war since its creation"

> Buy property, build a wall around it, invite good Whites in, and gradually just keep buying up more and more until the the wall surrounds the entire country.

That sounds virtuos but then i remembered waco