fe.settings:getUserBoardSettings - non array given[pol] - Endchan Magrathea
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1651877775198 webm
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> Reeee laizeres free economics is way corporates know what to do
Meanwhile margaret thatcher fucked up britain irreversibly with regan the US...
We already live in world where corporate jew has free hand you see it everywhere the exploitation had become a third name
Laizres free economics is meme you are a meme and it will stay that way

> Implying that soviet union had regulated economy
Ty si teda iny kokot judeobolsheviks had only one thing in econojy goal THE PRODUCTION AT ANY COST 
Had you heared on 5 year plan? No? The famous quota of we will give a crazy high quota on how many of stuff should be made or how many harvest should be made and unfurfiling is counted as death sentence so go figure and we will rise it after period of time anyway?
The same quota plan for which you produced all of the goods but still got empty shelf and table in your home?
No? Then fuck off aidskike