My race is my extended family, but my immediate family comes first.  I have to be able to provide for them, and that means not getting shitcanned from work for being le ebil racism.  I'm not even a natsoc anymore, though to any normie I may as well be, so I'd probably be seen as a subversive were I to join up with any authentic natsoc cell type thing.  The matter of organization has long bothered me though, I've known it was necessary yet apparently impossible since I was a natsoc.
What we want: A large body of authentic actors with leadership that is composed only or overwhelmingly of authentic actors.  No feds or traitors is ideal, but statistically unachievable with a population of more than a couple hundred people.
I know I could start a group with my close friends without fear of them being feds, but how do you screen people after this point? Glowniggers rape and murder kids, among other atrocities, what could I possibly require of someone that would remove potential doubt?  Deep cover is a thing, so them being part of the group for a long time clearly isn't enough.  Asking potential natsocs to completely dox themselves for scrutiny isn't reasonable, as anyone else would at least be as wary I'm a fed as I am wary they might be, and I don't really want to go around giving feds my dox so I wouldn't expect anyone else to either.  Some creed or statement of belief or whatever isn't enough.  Perhaps a knowledge check or something like that could be good enough.  Only let in the most ideologically hardcore, so that any glownigger that wants in would have to become so well versed in natsoc knowledge that they've got the best chance of actually joining vs pretend joining for their glownigger masters.  That would exclude the vast majority of authentic agents though, so I don't really suggest that.
I just don't know.  I know of several guys who just got popped by feds in NZ because they didn't have an answer to this issue that was adequate.  They relied on their own obscurity to protect them and it wound up getting them v& before they even got to do anything.  I don't see a solution to the problem and I'm enough of a coward that I won't act without such a solution.