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> not getting shitcanned from work for being le ebil racism
Of course. Never reveal your power level. Not when international jewry is obviously in power throughout the world. I don't parade around my job saying fuck the kikes either.
> I'm not even a natsoc anymore
What did you choose over NS? Nothing comes close to the values of National Socialism.
> No feds or traitors is ideal, but statistically unachievable with a population of more than a couple hundred people.
There will always be enemies. You shouldn't fear the Feds to the point it shuts down what you're capable of. The more on the National Socialist side, the better off we'll be, and that requires publicity. Agitating the jews and their overwhelming control of media.
> how do you screen people after this point?
Require family trees. No jewish infiltrators is the primary goal. Forget about the fact you don't want to doxx anyone. You need that personal info. A jew will always inform on you. They must. They will always believe it's their duty as members of the tribe.
> Glowniggers rape and murder kids, among other atrocities
Don't allow violence proposing idiots in your organization. Feds will always try to get you to entrap yourself. Reject the Atomwaffen types.
> Deep cover is a thing
Feds aren't smart enough to keep their "lets do something extremely illegal!" bullshit to themselves. They could, but their handlers would be furious they're not causing the group to commit crimes. Keep that in mind.
> Perhaps a knowledge check or something like that could be good enough
This doesn't work. I can't remember the names of the groups we've exposed on this board. Every one of them had a screening process. What your ideals and opinions are, etc. That sort of scrutiny is Fed behavior, yet jews infiltrated regardless.
> Only let in the most ideologically hardcore,
Yes, only those who can explain what National Socialism is without resorting to the typical edgy lure to violence.
> so that any glownigger that wants in would have to become so well versed in natsoc knowledge that they've got the best chance of actually joining
> vs pretend joining for their glownigger masters.
They'd still betray you, but it doesn't matter because Feds wouldn't be able to understand. They must always portray National Socialism as some cartoon villainy.
> NZ
There is a law against 'Incitement to racial disharmony'. The Human Rights Act of 1993. Most of the world has these penalties, which only shows how bad it's become.
> I don't see a solution to the problem and I'm enough of a coward that I won't act without such a solution.
The absence of fear is stupidity. Bravery is acting despite being afraid. Everyone is raised to be obedient slaves to ZOG. No one has the courage to face mortality but it comes anyway. Nobody gets out of this life alive. Do you want to live a long suffering life in this degenerate hellscape as the "Great Reset" happens and millions starve, including yourself? However, you do have close friends you can start with. I have nothing but the ideal and no one around in my life who would agree.

I'm not sure because no one can know the entirety of the internet. Not every website. Though I think this board might be unique in understanding of National Socialism the way it truly is. Which makes the extremely low traffic here unfortunate. Tell your friends. Encourage them to tell theirs (but only who are likeminded). The more who are educated about NS the better the chance to spread again.