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I would like to add to OP's great thread that one way of fighting the globohomo mind-control media machine - because the endgoal of its mass surveilance is manipulation (read R. Thaler's book on Nudges) and therefore, mind-control - is to organize in small and tightly-knit social circles. These social circles are extremely resilient to mass propaganda, mass hysteria and all the tools they use to manipulate and control. Now, living in the country side is the best way to implement this, but not everyone can do it right now this instant - if at all. Fret not however, as small communities tend to naturally and unconciously aggregate around the magical circle: the family (=one straight couple with a stay-at-home mother and a few kids), nuclear families naturally exert this gravitational field as part of our biological programming. You'll notice btw that all I'm describing has recently been the target of vicious and unrelenting attacks (probably a coincidence). When you secure a stay-at-home wife that escapes society's mental pollution and stays away from social media, you will have a considerable cultural inertia against the rampaging hurricanes of modern media. There's no secret. The Woman is the best piece on the chest board, it is the most precious thing to protect because she ensures the posterity you want. But I understand that they're a species facing extinction so good look finding one (try, faggot). I could go on about how small tightly-knit communities resist to propaganda but keep these main ideas in mind: - meals Meals should be eaten together and NOT watching a random screen. These events are like system updates where all the members of a family resynchronize their brains with the newly digested elements of the most influent member (the patriarch) This is also why birthdays and holidays are important, and kids visitting their grandparents is crucial, otherwise don't be surprised if they end up talking like Eminem and hating their own race. - language Insular communities naturally develop their own references, language and, eventually, culture (think 4chins, t*mblr, etc). Thus it becomes harder for outsider to infect their minds with poisonous ideas seeing that they would speak differently, think differently, etc. This is how r*dittors happen to be identified and told off sometimes. - kinship It has been demonstrated that people statistically are more suspicious of strangers and foreigners, whatever that means. "People that do not belong to the group", basically. This unconcious inclination is one of the causes of the universally observed phenomenons of racism and endogamy. The Hitler Youth, Communist schools, and even Japanese highschoolers etc all used to dress in the same uniforms. As a consequence, the mere fact of having a group of people that surround your family (they could be neighbors, extended family, friends) and acting/eating/talking/dressing the same will increase your mental immunity to ideological subversion. The problem with churches is that many of them became an efficient relay for the Antichrist's degeneracy and harmful ideas. But you never know, finding a good church and tight community around it could be one of the best things to happen to you.