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thumbnail of 1200px-Alexander_Mach_Slovakia13.jpg
1200px-Alexander_Mach... jpg
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>  4 hours as minimum
How one can even manage to hold that long i get after 2 bored and leave.
With medium there is nothing wrong in it and it can give you the taste of something what you woudlnt ever see or be able to find out (for example i started to like history and Germans in ww2 because of medal of honor games and il2 sturmovik sim. or took a wisdom from deus ex that there is something deeper than its told) but arm on heart it isint a secondary job and it starts to be as dreary as work in present with its battlepasses and progression locks with other shady stuff
And globohomo in them is different autonomous topic like Bioshock series which is basically a one huge projection and victimhood complexes sperging from one jew. Yes you hear right Kevin Spacey is a jew