The willpower in his eyes are undeniably Nietzschean, and even though the idealism is not accurate to the philosophy Nietzsche portrayed, the representation of his being is an undeniable, and admittedly perfect example of the Ubermensch. It is genuinely incredible how Hitler, an individual initially against the idea of becoming a politician due to their artistic (almost Dionysian expression) found themselves as the artist of not only a nation, but a people; and not just that, but an ethnically diverse group too. Many people do not realise that his existence alone was an unconscious performance art in protest of the oppressive institutions which neglected his talent. His artistic career was swallowed by a snake (which could be argued as Jewish based upon subjective principles), and in response, he artistically severed its head from within, unleashing the power of bloodthirst.

I know where I am. However, it almost feels like a natural drive to try and share this with you. I genuinely believe it is the ideology suitable for National Socialists that wish to have any independent, individual power in a world that actively oppresses them. Understand that I come from a place of empathy; however, your methods to achieving your ideal world were eliminated when - let's say - filthy fucking kikes brainwashed the remainder of the German populace post WWII. I hate to think that, despite their control, they have influence on the individual elements of those they wish to oppress or silence.

> Why are you typing everything like you're about to submit an essay to your college professor? 
Consider me an autistic indoctrinate of the present Marxist, Jewish systems which plague modern thinking to this day. My language is that of indoctrination, ironically, considering my previous praise of Nietzsche.

Would you prefer to combat the ideology with reason? I would prefer to discuss it with you instead of being banned - I presume that is what you would do, being a supporter of authoritarianism. For the record, I would like to mention that his economic policy was pretty good, and is greater than Marxism or Capitalism: the result of, shall we say, filthy Jews.