I ran into the character limit for single posts, which is 4096. On returning to the subject of my lifting of your appeal, I did so because you claimed you were not interested in the subject of jews. Not talking about the parasites is fine. Continuing to defend them and slinging accusations such as "lack of compassion" is not fine. Frankly, it's bullshit. I have zero sympathy for those that try to make fraud appeals to reason regarding kikes. Do not continue this behavior. I did not always believe this way I do now. In fact, I was as brainwashed as you currently are many years ago. Pre 2010, I shamefully ignored National Socialists on imageboards when they tried to appeal to my same cognitive dissonance you have at the moment. The state of my cognitive dissonance did not allow me to change my viewpoint, the same as the majority still brainwashed in our compromised societies. That is until one day, I started digging. At first, I came across imagery of unarmed Palestinian men, women and children being slaughtered. Men always die in war. It's the pictures of womens' and childrens' corpses that triggered my compassion and instinct to continue investigating. You know, the kind of compassion you lacked when you defended Israel as "nuanced". I found a French forum of thousands of pages detailing the fraud of the jewish holocaust and what really happened. The shortened version is at that polfornormies link. The massive archive at that French forum was shut down by ZOG as well as holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com From this knowledge, I continued investigating, finding many other evils, frauds and deceptions jews are responsible for. This is why the board rules exist and you will not continue defending them unless once again you can't control yourself and simply wish to be banned.