> The oldest proof jews have is the Aleppo Codex (920 AD)
Sounds like the Jewish tribes are pyramid schemers.

> Where's your space ship? Which aliens have you met?
Humanity can expand through the galaxy and still not have transcended their human condition. But the transcending of humanity can only be achieved through experiencing what it is to be completely human. Schopenhauer referenced the will, and Nietzsche developed the idea with the will to power. The will itself is a force which already transcends humanity, and all physical beings, because it is a universal element which goes beyond desire. A lot of materialistic folks tend to satisfy a mediocre sense of pursuit through satisfying immediate desires, hedonistically, and lose their true internal selves because such a pursuit is nihilistic. But they do show willpower, however, and it does destroy their identity. The challenges they face through catharsis is what sharpens individuals' purpose and channels their willpower into acting creatively, rather than materialistically and nihilistically.
Nevertheless, when I befriend Elon Musk, I'll hopefully be able to convince him to let me have one of his spaceships.
> I would subject traitors who serve ZOG to that torture foremost
I personally would savour such an experience for those who harm my family directly. I think the bowels are symbolic of ancestry, because the stomach is often associated with fertility, sensuality, etc. It is where the child grows in a woman, and where a diverse culture of nutrients is processed in order to keep the beings alive.

> If I have to [ban you] again, I promise it won't phase me.
Classic National Socialist.