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Looks like OP is one of those rare ones like us who understands. The rest remain in ignorance. Yes, Israelis are sick bastards. They have not only murdered unarmed Palestinian women and children with white phosphorous against the Geneva convention and sniper rifles; they get super PACs like AIPAC to bribe all offices of U.S. government as well as hold Europe hostage with jewish politicians. They have had a vast history of ritual murders which got them kicked out of nations over 200 times. Their modern compromise of our nations only works because too many of the people are passive and ignorant or apathetic That is not to say there aren't protests or groups. Those exist. The issue is they're not large enough and all they fight back with is hollow words.

The mistake some on the chans make is thinking they can be lone shooters and stop the problem, usually by killing some very low level blacks and throwing their entire life away while jews in Homeland Security pull the typical trick of wailing crocodile tears and eternally pretending they're the victims.

Israel is like a group of sadistic bullies whose wealthy parents have donated large sums to the school, so the brats are defended by the staff as the bullies rape, murder and kidnap. Nothing will stop them short of the entire student body fighting back, forcing ignorants to see the truth and purging traitors. The staff, the other students. All who support jews and Israel are as evil as kikes themselves.