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> One thing I don't understand is the LACK of female and male outcry for one reason. 
I speak about this from personal experience in republic. Its the hyper individual behaviour of what i dont see does not hurt me or as long as i am not concerned i dont give a damn flavoured with its their consent to do so so why bother 
Its this head in the sand mentality that is the columbus egg of why there is no outcry, if i also recall recent (not much recent depends on individuals time classification) event which happened to one hololive community when one Vtuber departed because of harrasment from these mentally ill men for playing hogwards legacy hardens me this theory why there is no outcry often on what degeneracy and darwin awards worthy practice.
When they will be facing it or comes to them then they maybe will do something and have balls to hold them accountable for their shenanigans 
Or just you can see what i mean here  >>/90393/
A head in sand response