> wants to detox from dopamine
> doesn't want to detox from dopamine
Addiction is a hell of a drug. We don't detox from it in the first place. Our very nature is to seek out because no matter how hard human beings try to pretend we're advanced: we are animals. That tendency to seek dopamine is your natural instinct. It is meant for pursuing food, water and shelter. Goals. With all of these needs met, we are ripe for manipulation. Those dopamine rewards now are the next iPhone, the next car, the next sexual conquest, the next random bullshit for status. There are many outliers, people on the fringes of society that do not want to accept the corporate slavery or the disgusting degeneracy. These are who video games accomplish to distract. Even moreso than jewish ran mainstream media for the majority which are fucking imbeciles. Woke agendas are put into games badly. They are not effective. Influence is not the strategy there. It's preoccupation. The escapism of constantly seeking rewards for one's efforts. Every single puzzle piece that keeps people from once again rising against the jewish overlords is a plot by the fucking kikes.