The "Vice-Admiral Kulakov," an Udalay-class Destroyer of the Russian Navy has arrived in Cuba for an official visit for the first time in a long time, and there is dangerous news for the United States . . .
Shortly before the Russian navy warship arrived, talks were held between the leaders of Cuba and Russia and their defense ministries. The result is statements to strengthen not only economic cooperation, but also military-technical cooperation.
According to American military experts, this could mean the return of Russia to Cuba with all the resulting consequences: the deployment of Russian troops and long-range missiles.
This will be a decisive Russian response to the threats posed by the expansion of NATO's presence in Northern Europe and Japan.
Readers should note that back in 1962, the then-Soviet Union placed Medium Range and Intermediate Range nuclear missiles in Cuba with a five minute flight time to Washington, DC. This resulted in the "Cuban Missile Crisis" wherein then U.S. President John F. Kennedy, imposed a naval blockade of Cuba and began massing U.S. troops in Florida for an invasion of Cuba to destroy those missiles.
For the 13 days when the crisis erupted, the world stood on the precipice of actual nuclear war.
Same type of crisis as in 1962, only this time, it was the US and NATO that started it by trying to bring Ukraine into NATO, so as to put US nukes in Ukraine.