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thumbnail of Hitlernotjeworrothschildstopsliding.jpg
Hitlernotj... jpg
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thumbnail of HitlernotjeworrothschildOnlyjewsslidethisdisinfo.jpg
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Jews have co-opted everything under the sun, so yeah I co-opted that from jews. Superman was stolen from John Carter Of Mars. I stole Superman from them. Turnabout is fair play and all that.

Fitting for what? The lie jews keep trying to claim about Hitler and his fake jewishness? Because I'm sure you constant pussies beating on a dead guy enjoy talking shit to National Socialists on the internet. But there's just one problem with that lie dipshits like to spread. We see through you We know Hitler is the key. You believe you will get some of us to trust your lie. You think by turning us against Hitler, we will cease being National Socialists. Your plots really aren't that hard to reveal.