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> 1493 (founding of America as the Hispanic homeland)
Cristobal Colon "founded" America after the native Americans and Leif Erikson the vikingr did centuries before that. It's no coincidence the founding fathers were Freemasons. Colon arrived fleeing from Spain after the Alhambra decree. Early Americans considered "white" had names like Jebediah, Benjamin, Jeremiah, Jacob, Abraham, Zachariah etc. For many BLIND years of my life, I thought those early old west settlers where white men. Those bunch of black haired black frock wearing hideous bastards. But it's not a coincidence. Their names weren't Christian. They were jews. The Irish and Scottish settlers where discriminated when they brought white back to the plains. I've lived here and absorbed the history.

> You implied that the Hispanic Empire operated via race
No I didn't. Are you brown? Is that why you gaslight arguments? I mean, I've experienced that so many times from brown people that it doesn't surprise me anymore. I said the majority of modern Spaniards are white and brown skins are insane. To this day, Caucasians are blamed by Native Americans as "the evil white man took our land". Yet Colon whose name resembles an asshole "coincidentally" fled Spain at the very same time jews were exiled. It's along the same deception as blaming us for the Tran Atlantic slave trade ran by jews who owned the ships, ports and sold negros in newspapers.

Everything the jew did is said to be our fault because their lies always focus on shifting blame away from them.