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> recognizing America as a new land
It wasn't new land. Colon thought it was India. He called them Indians. Most are aware of this by now.
> The founding of America was a LEGAL process that started in 1493
"LEGAL" is hilarious. Land somewhere, declare it new land despite inhabitants, then say it's legally new. I don't know how you take such a statement seriously. Sure it's "legal" if you plant a flag and massacre the natives. The same as it is in Palestine when Israelis claim their fucked up religion says so.
> In Spain we have the Archive of Indies, which addressed the stories about Colon "being jewish",
> "looking for spices", or that he was "running away"... they are just stories that NO DOCUMENT backs up.
Maybe those last two, but to be as obsessed (proactively biased towards) jewry as Columbus was combined with the fact he was extremely eager to voyage away from Spain from the Alhambra Decree speaks volumes. There is a document.
> Caucasians are blamed by Native Americans as "the evil white man took our land"
> Non-Hispanics did that.
Yeah. Because Native Americans migrated from northeast Asia and Siberia through the Bering land bridge. There's another funny claim beaners love to make in Texas. "If you don't mind Native Americans" (they're well aware I don't) "why don't you get along with us?". Because they're NOT. They were Spain's bitch and nothing more. Now, I may not mind the Asian and Siberian Native Americans, but they are still insane. They're the ones whom consistently blame "the white man" along with kikes who think they're clever. They (NAs) slaughtered their own for centuries before Colon the jewish asshole arrived and claimed it India. Violent rival tribes wiped others out. Modern day, the only Native Americans I have met lose their minds and kill themselves or drink themselves into a stupor. Always ranting about the white man. It's not like I blame them. They're too blind to tell the difference between Caucasians and not quite white skin. Again, just like the negroes and the Trans Atlantic slave trade blaming the white man.
Serious question time. Why, when I brought up the fact Spain is majority white, did you resort to saying BLOOD LIBELS, SLANDERS and that Native Castilians plus Native Americans had more rights? Is white supremacy something you believe exists? Yes, I'm poking and prodding. I'm just trying to figure out what you are after you started this with "Anglo-Saxons Satanic hegemony".