> National Socialism
> The only redpills I know are what my family told me
Ah, then ask anything about NS but be careful the question isn't loaded in favor of jews or an image doesn't support them. Good places to start are these:
https://archive.is/bMyQK (Holocaust deprogramming course)
https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/search/pages/results/?state=&date1=1770&date2=1963&proxtext=6+million+jews&x=19&y=17&dateFilterType=yearRange&rows=20&searchType=basic&sort=date (The Library of Congress chronicles that jews have been saying 6 million died since the late 1880s)
> tens of millions of Native Americans into Catholicism
Catholicism, Christianity, Islam religion, even the Nordic religion of the Æsir are protected here because they're not Judaism. That is the enemy. Insulting the others is a jewish trait. The person doing so may not be a jew, but we're anonymous here. There are only two sure methods of outing one. The other is insulting Hitler, which they can never resist no matter the circumstances.