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Metropolis produced by Erich Pommer and starred by the traitorous ungrateful bitch Brigitte Helm who despised the Third Reich even after Hitler released her from prison. Rudolf Klein-Rogge who continued to make Fritz Lang films even after he was cucked by the slut Thea von Harbou and she married Fritz. Also starring Karl Freund. Metropolis by Parufamet established by Paramount Pictures and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.

M by Fritz Lang about a child murderer. Right up his alley of depraved sick fuckery, considering he shot his wife in 1920 because he was cheating with Thea. Produced by Seymour Nebenzal under Nero film by Heinrich Nebenzahl. Starring Peter Lorre and Otto Wernicke who married a jew.

But hey. If you're into kike propaganda, The Testament of Dr. Mabuse is another Fritz film rejected by Goebbels himself. Produced by Seymour Nebenzal starring those same cucks Rudolf and Otto along with Oscar Beregi Senior. Fritz stated specifically later, after he fled like the pussy jew he was, that the film was intentionally anti National Socialist. It had more sick fuckery suck as plotting to attack a chemical plant, rob a bank, counterfeiting, poisoning water, destroying harvests.

Enjoy, I guess.