thumbnail of 90045452576983587845189708381887403162647654.jpg
thumbnail of 90045452576983587845189708381887403162647654.jpg
9004545257698358784... jpg
(121.61 KB, 657x702)
thumbnail of More complete Hitler speeches.pdf
thumbnail of More complete Hitler speeches.pdf
More... pdf
(3.4 MB, 0x0)
The English version sounds a lot like Eric Idle from Monty Python.
Yeah, I'm not going to download a torrent. Those instantly expose IPs. It's better to put it up on a filesharing site.
Got a better image for you. Pic related. Pretty much how jews react any time the greatest man whom ever lived is mentioned.
Overall, this is a pretty good idea. Non Germans sometimes instantly think Hitler is "monstrous" because German language is harsh. It's better for native English speakers to hear his words in English without a bad voice actor trying to "evil" up the voice. All of his speeches should be fed into this AI reader.