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On the one hand, the elites want to bomb Iran, Syria, China, Russia, and half a dozen other countries at this point.
Yet paradoxically, the Biden regime is selling off America's strategic oil reserves and implementing fag-tranny policies in the army that reduce its efficacy.
The enemy wants elections to be as close as possible so that politicians are easier to control. 
Yet at the same time, they have burned all their credibility with their manic Trump craze. And Trump isn't even anti-jew, not in the slightest. So why are they doing this?

Being in a managerial position has given me a small taste of what it must be like as an elite. I believe that the explanation for this is simple; The jews understand that they must maintain a big tent coalition of freaks. The military industrial complex, big business, the tannies, the black supremacists, the zionists, the deranged anti-Whites, the faggots, the feminists, the police state nutjobs, etc. Organized labor used to be among them but they sold them down river long ago.
In order to maintain this unnatural coalition, they need to please everyone somehow so they end up pursuing completely contradictory things. 
Managing all these contradictory objectives is much easier if you just agree to them all. But this is a temporary solution at best. Eventually, the different policies no longer can co-exist so the jews are going to either run the regime into the ground and burn in the wreckage, or they will need to start kicking out various factions from the coalition. 

I wonder who will end up sold out and wondering how they fell for jewish promises?