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I was talking with my boomers and they all were sharing the same stories about how stupid Biden is.
The Troubles was an ethnic conflict in Northern Ireland in the late 20th century. While the Irish did not win outright, they also did not lose and they fought an industrialized, police state democracy to a standstill. It never occurred to me to ask; Did Irish share silly stories about British politicians about how stupid they are? Or did they instead assume that their enemy was a sinister force out to destroy their culture and heritage?

Why does this matter? Because examining ethnic insurgencies of the past few decades can shed light on where we are historically, how far along the path to resistance we are, and what we can do as individuals to help accelerate this process. 
On the one hand, I can envision these sorts of jokes as indicative of no revolutionary sentiment. After all, if Biden is a dementia ridden old man who wets himself, it's hard to see him as a threat, even if he is. Jews aside, even if Biden was a king, a senile king can still be a deadly enemy. But most people don't see it that way.
On the other hand, "our leaders are stupid" does seem quite delegitimizing. Delegitimizing the government is a step in the direction of revolution. 

Did the Irish see the British as a generally stupid government to be laughed at or as a genocidal but sinister or cunning enemy?