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From the Jewish Torah, Leviticus 25:

Because the Israelites are my servants, whom I brought out of Egypt, they must not be sold as slaves.

Your male and female slaves are to come from the goyim around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy goyim living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. You can bequeath goyim to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not enslave your fellow Israelites.

Organ sales are illegal in most countries, and the Convention against Transnational Organized Crime includes in its definition of human exploitation the extraction of organs for profit. Until very recently, however, the Israeli government not only permitted organ harvesting, it funded it.

Israelis are the leaders in “transplant tourism” — traveling to other nations to buy internal organs. While some affluent individuals from numerous countries engage in this practice, Israel is unique in several ways.

First, Israelis partake at an extraordinarily high rate. According to a 2001 BBC report, Israelis buy more kidneys per capita than any other population.

Second, Israelis have the lowest donor rate in the world due in part to beliefs that Jewish religious law prohibits Jewish organ removal as “desecration of the body.”

Nancy Scheper-Hughes is Chancellor’s Professor of Medical Anthropology at the University of California Berkeley, the founder of Organ Watch, and the author of scholarly books on organ trafficking.

In testimony before a congressional subcommittee in 2001, Scheper-Hughes described what she termed Israel’s “national program of transplant tourism.” For many years the Israeli health system subsidized its citizens’ “transplant holidays,” reimbursing Israelis $80,000 for medical operations abroad, with the remaining costs largely covered by government-subsidized insurance plans.

Israeli organ harvesters targeted non-Jews from diverse locations — including the West Bank and Gaza, the Philippines, Eastern Europe. A BBC report described the situation in Europe’s poorest country where 90% of the people earn less than $2 a day: “Hundreds of Israelis have created a production line that starts in the villages of Moldova, where men today are walking around with one kidney.”

In China not long ago an Israeli paid a broker $100,000 for a kidney transplant from an 18-year-old girl. She herself received $5,000, and died following surgery. In Brazil a legislative commission found that Israeli organ harvesters no longer were content with just kidneys; they had begun inquiring into additional body parts — lungs, livers and corneas.

In her testimony, Scheper-Hughes pointed out that “The sale of human organs and tissues requires that certain disadvantaged individuals, populations, and even nations have been reduced to the role of 'suppliers.' It is a scenario in which only certain bodies are broken, dismembered, fragmented, transported, processed, and sold in the interests of a more socially advantaged population...of receivers.”

In a 2008 lecture Scheper-Hughes discussed the motivations of Israeli organ harvesters. One was greed, she explained. Another was “revenge, restitution, reparation for the Holocaust.” She said some Israeli brokers and doctors had told her: “It’s kind of 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' We’re going to get every single kidney and liver and heart that we can. The world owes it to us.”

At times Jewish organ harvesters coerce reluctant sellers. Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, a Jewish organ harvester recently arrested in an FBI sweep in New Jersey, reportedly carried a gun; when a potential organ seller wanted to back out, Rosenbaum would use his finger to simulate firing at the person’s head.