About the immune disorder metaphor, I think we're actually looking at the same matter, just from two different points of view, but both the goal, and the course of action, are similar.
You see the eradication of the jews as the only way to remove the immune disease, by mechanically removing every single virus particle.
I'm seeing the dominance over the jews as a way to turn the immune disease harmless, by enhancing every single cell of the body with resistance to immune diseases. (which will also make the disease disappear, since a disease can't spread where there are no infectable hosts)

What I'm sort of criticising, is that the method of mechanic removal of a disease, doesn't really improve the body, which body will still be vulnerable all the same when a new immune disorder will affect it.
While the method of immune enhancement to neutralize diseases, makes the body stronger, which may be of help when a new immune disease will spread and affect the same body.

But I guess, the root of the difference in views really lies in how much the jews are seen as final evils after whose eradication evil will be no more, or if the jews are seen as just one of many not unique evils which all come from a deeper non-removable-by-humans evil which will continue to generate lesser evils.