> Suppose we return to history. Monarchs rule everywhere and jews are once again subjugated. They'll only continue whispering in our ears. They may again be discovered and expelled. They'll only return. They always come back. Then we'll have fools who listen gradually, succumbing more and more. Until entire nations bend to their will. The same as it is now and was before. Hitler's only mistake was not actually gassing 6 million of the parasites. For if he did, we wouldn't be here with every one of our nations compromised, our traditions and everything our ancestors fought for flushed down the drain.

The old monarchs were weak, and were defeated. They didn't exercise their will to live, nor their duty to sustain and protect their own nations, so they were defeated by the always present corruption.
Same can be said about german national socialism, you can only judge the results. What lasting immunity did that short time grant the german people? Nothing. The reaction to the jewish attempt to coup germany, were only a little bump over the total submission of germany to globohomo in the following decades, as we're watching it now in the present. And likewise of all the rest of the world.

There is no use going back, to a time before widespread corruption, if the mistakes done before aren't also corrected. Cleaning up and reinforcement can't be split apart, as alone they aren't sufficient.

After cleaning up the damages done by the kike hold over europe, it's of most importance to reinstate the discipline of exercise, or as you summed up, everything gone wrong will just repeat itself.

It isn't a matter of system, it's a matter of people.