>>/93779/ (continuing)
There is no plan, just to stay in the midst of things, in the midst of people, in the midst of time, in the midst of the people who share your history and spirit, and to Live with great decision.

Dominance over manipulative people, like jews and not only, is best exercised by indipendence of thought and action.
As there is nothing a manipulator hates more than being uninfluential and lacking control over others.

So if a jew, or if a byproduct of jewish corruptive activity, tries to block your path, or tries to divert your route elsewhere, you keep moving on where you intended to go, where you decided to go by your own will and judgement of reality, and if necesary you run over anyone blocking your path, never stopping, never slowing down, you make no concessions nor put up your own decisions to a trade in exchange for some tranquillity.
Anyone giving up on asserting themselves because of the fear of getting harmed, has already lost their will to live, and with the loss of that will has also lost his future.
While it's reasonable to move with caution, being upfront in exercising the will to live doesn't exclude caution and methodology. Caution doesn't impede action, nor paralises into inaction.

Different persons will obviously have different goals and routes they want to walk on, homogeneity is not a trait of humanity, everyone is different, some more positively others more negatively, but what matters is twofold: the awareness of being part of a community, the community one takes life from and to which one gives life back, by which community one own actions must be aligned as to avoid internal disgregation and weakening; and the will to carry on one own actions once they are determined, will to act which must be without holding back anything.
So long as many persons act with conscience and decision, their community will be full of vitality, and that vitality will further sustain those persons of action.

What do you need to set a cycle of vitality back into motion? Nothing else but the original action directed towards vitality.