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> There is no plan, just to stay in the midst of things, in the midst of people, in the midst of time, in the midst of the people who share your history and spirit, and to Live with great decision.
I live in the midst of the wrong people. The ones who surround me on a daily basis are not my people. That is thanks to jews.
> Dominance over manipulative people, like jews and not only, is best exercised by indipendence of thought and action.
I already possess that. It gains me nothing but bleak awareness.
> As there is nothing a manipulator hates more than being uninfluential and lacking control over others.
If only the others were more rather than so few.
> So if a jew, or if a byproduct of jewish corruptive activity, tries to block your path, or tries to divert your route elsewhere, you keep moving on where you intended to go, where you decided to go by your own will
> and judgement of reality, and if necesary you run over anyone blocking your path, never stopping, never slowing down, you make no concessions nor put up your own decisions to a trade in exchange for some tranquillity.
My path continues towards death, as does us all, with no end to the jewish control over my people with the intent to replace us. Our dominance has already been replaced. Those monarchs you labeled as weak at least held control for centuries. .You criticize National Socialism for the end result. Yet what Hitler did was everything you just described. His attempt at least resulted in 12 years of solid tranquility for Germans. What tranquility do Americans and Europeans have now? Not a moment of it.
> Anyone giving up on asserting themselves because of the fear of getting harmed, has already lost their will to live, and with the loss of that will has also lost his future.
Public shooters assert themselves without the fear of being harmed. Then they're harmed. They not only frequently fail at their tasks - they strengthen worldwide Zionist control through the jewish victim complex.
Your continued pontificating really doesn't offer any practical solution to the above mentioned problems. I feel as if I'm typing to Socrates. Philosophizing vaguely in a roundabout way does not solve issues.
> What are these traditions and things fought over by your ancestors you are talking about?
> You don't need to tell me, just, in that answer lies the vitality which your ancestors passed over to you, and the vitality over which you must act, or disappear if you fail to act.
My enemies the jews have crushed those traditions and values. You only need to stop over at  >>/endpolmeta/1444/ to witness their exact psychosis.