Wonder if these song generators can manage to have multiple languages in the same song, probably not.
I guess this is similar to the auto-translators, they focus on a single language for each run, and have lots of trouble with multiple language texts.
Cause I would want to try this:
Deutschland den Deutschen
Italia per gli Italiani
France pour les Français
España para los Españoles
Portugal para os Portugueses
England for the English
Éire do na Gaeil
Magyarország a Magyarokért
Ελλάδα για τους Έλληνες
Sverige för Svenskarna
Norge for Nordmenn
Danmark for Danskerne
Suomi Suomalaisille
Россия для русских
Polska dla Polaków
Lietuva Lietuviams
Latvija latviešiem
Eesti eestlastele
Europa pro Europaeis
Ausländer raus
Juden raus
Amerikaner raus