I have finally understood how to win the eternal battle against the Jews. 

We need to convert as much retards, niggers, low-IQ chimps and all the other non-desirable scum into Judaism as possible
Look at this JewTube channel:

It's a nigger who converted to Judaism. Almost every one of them complains how they're treated unfairly and how the jews are racist towards them. Of course we all know that the low-IQ niggers are undesirable to be converts into Judaism by their rabbi's. Just imagine accepting a nigger into your family? Would you want your relative to marry a nigger? This sounds disgusting for us, Whites, and the jews know this very well, that if they mix with low-IQ races, it will hurt them badly. But, you see, they cannot openly tell them we can't convert you because you're a stupid nigger monkey. They promote equality and diversity, but at the same time they hate equality and diversity because all lowlife races would convert into Judaism.