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They like to call Jerry Seinfeld a “funnyman” but what he is most of all is one of the vermin, one of those Jews who metaphorically crawl on their slimy bellies out the sewers and onto the street, there to infect the population with the Jewish plague. They said that Seinfeld was a “show about nothing,” but that was never true; it was the latest in the long line of Jewish entertainment and “art” which hijacked the American sensibility, which put irony in place of sincerity, which put frivolity in place of seriousness — not that we had not been stuck in that mire for a while, but the show was the final nail in the coffin. It put the theory of Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions (A Mad Magazine knock-off; another kike production) into high voltage mode — that is, it saturated the country with filthy Hebrew mores and thought. The fact that, to most, it was just “a clever comedy” shows us how brain-dead most are: It was a weapon in the form of a television series, and those who wielded it had designs on us. It brought the world to it knees by dint of its hyper-Jewishness. Now that the Jews are sailing some rough seas, Mr. Seinfeld is wiping that stupid grin off his face and saying that he can no longer be about nothing. No, he has to be about something and that something is, of course, he has to be about being a Jew. What else would he be about, being a Jew? For if anything is time-tested and time-honored it’s that, whatever else he is, a Jew is always a Jew. And whatever career or incarnation he has, the important thing is that he’s a Jew. And when the Jews are in their time of need (which will be more and more often), Jews the world over run to the defense of themselves, and let the world know they are Jews. Ad nauseam, as always, and reductio ad absurdum as well.

Apparently after some filthy kikes got killed on October 7, the Jews realized that now was the time for all good Jews to come to the aid of Jews. Seinfeld, who has been living in a senescent retirement, was no exception. He traveled to Israel to much ballyhoo. Had he ridden into Jerusalem on a donkey like Jesus allegedly did, it would not have been more obnoxious. Of course, after the whirlwind tour of the Hebe Homeland he had to give the big interview to sum up and encapsulate the trip, which was a travesty; so the smirking Comedy Jew trotted out all the tired bromides about the Jews; that is, he lied through his Jewish teeth in the only cause that matters to the Jews: the Jews. He started off by saying “we’re Jewish,” which is patently obvious to anyone who sees his ugly mug with its rancid physiognomy. Facial features do not lie and he has the map of evil written all over his. He says that, as a Jew, he feels very close to the “struggle of being Jewish in the world.” A struggle? That’s funny indeed; he is a funnyman! Hitler had his struggle (against Jews), but the Jews have never struggled or, if they did, the necessity was brought on by their own deeds — which is not struggle, but nemesis. And in today’s world the Jews don’t struggle at all, they sail though the world celebrated and worshipped; they are sitting pretty on their perch. That is changing a bit, but, once again, that is their own fault. And if they get knocked off their own self-created pedestal, few of us will mourn. It’s not a struggle if your difficulties are richly deserved. It’s sweet justice a long time coming.

Mr. Jewish Comedic Genius No. 8,942 then swerves into some soft-pedaling rhetoric wherein he practices the “safe fall” theory of verbal deception; where you seem reasonable by conceding a portion of the truth, only to mitigate it and soften the blow — that is, you camouflage the truth by that seeming show of taking on the negative quality, only to ultimately deflect it. That is, it is Jew language to the core — lies. He says that “people sometimes” think of the Jews as being “very on top of things” and as “being successful for the most part,” and “that’s somewhat true.”