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How many qualifications can a Jew come up with? — three in this instance, three in the short span of a short sentence: “sometimes,” “for the most part,” “somewhat.” Weasel words, they are. To simply blurt out the truth would be “too shocking”; the truth being that the Jews en masse are greedy bastards, that they sit atop the world of finance and government and education and entertainment and media, that they lord it over their hosts, that they control the money supply, that they solidify their position by a constant flow of lying propaganda, that they miseducate our youth, that they consume all possible attention with their “troubles,” and that they misrule and abuse us without let or reserve. Now those are two descriptions of the same facts, but one is slippery like a Jew, and the other is the radical truth as said by a White man. Base Jews like Jerry Seinfeld recoil from radical truth like a Negroid recoils from hard labor or a vampire from the rising Sun. Jews scurry from the truth like insects do from the light of day when you lift up the rock they were hiding under. And then the Revered Cultural Icon segues once more into what the Jews consider the kill shot of kill shots, their not-so-secret weapon not really held in reserve; that is, he transitions into lachrymose mode, where the old Jews take a break from playing shuffleboard at the Jewish retirement home (gefilte fish dinner, bagels round the clock), pull up their pants to near their chests, and say in unison (in the voice of their favorite son Jerry Seinfeld) that the “struggle of being Jewish” is also ancient and has been going on for “thousands of years.” His voice rises an octave or two on the word thousands.

Their struggle (such as it is not), he tells us, is one from time immemorial, from time out of mind, from even before the amoebas crawled out from the primordial ooze. Hoo boy, it’s been thousands of years of suffering, they damn near got wiped out any number of times, they survived pitchforks, and arrows, maddened raging mobs, bullets, pogroms, persecutions, shattered glass, and finally gas. But they made it, which is (as they will be the first to tell you) a “testament to their spirit”; that is, they are not just a people like any other, and certainly not like us (and they won’t even allow saying that now on pain of punishment), no; not just an off-the-rack or standard-issue people; they are “the eternal people.” But even if they were (they are not, as the future without them will attest), so are cockroaches. But then cockroaches, though a great nuisance and only slightly better-looking than Jews, never really hurt a soul: Unlike with Jews, no one ever died from allowing cockroaches to dwell among them. Then, near the end of his verbal show, comes the dire denouement: He says that “anti-Semitism has been rekindled.” I object to this, as this noble belief system has always been with us; and always will be with us, until its object is gone and it is no longer needed; that is, when — metaphorically, of course — the fires arise from the kindling lit by the awakened among our Folk; when the sordid likes of Jerry Seinfeld have worn out their welcome, and the Jewish game of dominate and deceive is seen clearly for what it is: a war.  And when that war is joined, the Jews will no longer be the mouse — or the mouths — that roared; but will be what they have always been incognito: history’s pipsqueaks, who will be lucky if, in their winding sheets, we allow them to gibber and squeak through the streets on their destined return to the sewers from whence they came.