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i recently stumbled upon this site after the death of frenschan and i felt compelled to make this thread for the importance of informing anons on the subject of psychological operations. Brendon lee O'connell released this particular video a year ago about the department of defense's IIA psyops (Interactive Internet Activites) which exposes the already corrupt mainstream media bias but also the supposed free-speech of 'alt-media' with players like alex jones to edward snowden (limited hangout) all being part of the payroll. It is a must watch and i recommend you backup all the media i'm linking below since much of the internet is being censored and removed daily:

This thread is the continuation of the frenschan thread made by fagman anon which is recommended to read first before engaging with any of the material provided here.

The thread contains information and backstory of Brendon and also links videos from Matthew North (RIP 5 shots to the back of the head). O'connell's channel was deleted multiple times so i'm posting that particular one from, he recently made a new channel with valuable information and i recommend you check it out. His few videos are old Reuploads that deal with the Talpiot Program and how Israel dominates the high technology sector and the building of the new smart cities which they will use to enslave (you). But don't worry Zion Don will definitely save us this time.

i also suggest anons to read the gentleman's guide to forum spies 101 which was a sticky way back in 8/pol/ (which should be added to this board)

theres's another thread made by the same anon which touches on the subject of nanotech and how they use gmo food to poison you, this particular one has received a healthy amount of shills hellbent on shitting up that thread. i wonder why.

the internet became a shell of its former self. Anon lost his home when they decided Fullchan wasn't useful anymore and so every attempt to start anew was shit up with bots/shills/pizza and a plethora of other bullshit  to ensure we'd never rise from the ashes again. WE NEED TO TAKE BACK THE INTERNET. but i fear its too late. they destroyed our countries and now they seek to control our own minds.
The nature of warfare has changed now. The first step to fight back is to learn about the government's many programs and how to combat them. 

I really hope you benefited from this thread and all of the information contained here which can be easily found (they don't even bother to hide their horrible actions anymore) and stay safe, protect yourself and your loved ones and be prepared. because they have plans for us and it ain't pretty. Godspeed.