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You are maybe assuming this place to be genuine, I'm not trusting 100% over that, but I'm still going to use this in spite of any honeypotting or datamining done here (first picrel)
Always assume your enemy is following and stalking you, that way you'll be able to mock them and make them trip.
Even if, what >>/94219/ says isn't wrong, it's not enough to destroy an enemy, it's very important to fill the power gap created by the dissolution of the enemy, and to fill that power gap you need a structure ready to jump in.
So you need both a plan to attack your enemy, and a structure ready to step in. The two parts must be ready and active at the same time, to have success in kicking out an enemy for good.
A plan with no organized structure ready to take charge after the plan has been successful, is going to be a wasted success, because after the enemy regroups it's going to take power again, or maybe even some other different scum is going to step in, resulting in no real improvement.
An organized structure with no action plan is just going to sit in dust until all members are too old and out of touch with reality to even step in once by pure chance someone else will have set things into motion by their own action plans. This is by the way what this board really looks like, structure(of 2 people) with no action plan.
This need of both plan and structure, also explains some of the actions of the jews, in attacking any newlyforming structure, they fear an organized competitor which may replace and kick them aside once they are bleeding on the ground in pain after a successful attack.
This part may be an interesting thing to think over as core of one of many plans, how to target the jewish subversion of newly forming groups which hostile to them? Or how to unburden the forming of new groups hostile to the jews?
Anytime you know something about the jews, think about how to use that against them. That's how the best plans are born.
I'm also adding more examples of plans which showed efficacy, as good trials to emulate