> You are maybe assuming this place to be genuine, I'm not trusting 100% over that
So that's your take. I'm the BO, board owner, so yes I assume this board to be genuine. I wrote the rules and was handed the reigns in 2017.
> This is by the way what this board really looks like, structure(of 2 people) with no action plan.
Three people. Plus a couple random anons every now and then. Yes. Zero action plan.
> An organized structure with no action plan is just going to sit in dust until all members are too old and out of touch with reality to even step in once by pure chance someone else will have set things into motion by their own action plans. 
I can agree on almost all of that as well. I am getting a bit old, dusty, out of touch with society. Just not reality. It's those absorbed with modern society who are out of touch with reality.
Dipshits calling people with penises she/her and people with vaginas he/him. Those retards are delusional.
> also explains some of the actions of the jews, in attacking any newlyforming structure, they fear an organized competitor which may replace and kick them aside once they are bleeding on the ground in pain after a successful attack
Despite having not shit for any substantial action plan, yes, we are frequently attacked by jews. I have no idea why it would be out of fear. Irrational on their part.
We pose very little threat, as backwards and low traffic as this board is.
> Anytime you know something about the jews, think about how to use that against them.
We don't tend to do that, or even know how. It's mostly just in the knowing. I admit it's not the best counter to ZOG's overwhelming control.

> 1) Is this thread only for finalized plans, or also for discussing the plans into more detail or about the general setup of said plans?
Either. Anything. Everything anyone can think of to stop them.
> 2) What can be done about the jews lurking here, who will use this thread as a warning sample to test their next poisoning attacks and to prepare counter plans against any plan even remotely suggested here?
The best I can do is ban their individual posting IP, but then they'll simply come back with yet another. IPs are frequently dynamic. Banning is an almost pointless deterrent.
Moderating is entirely useless, aside from daily cleanup to keep jew propaganda from flooding the board.
> As in, is it really wise to discuss plans in the open if the tactic used is one of surprise attack?
Presuming the BBC spamming jew has any friends, tells his friends, they tell theirs and the information spreads: No it wouldn't be wise to explain a surprise attack.
I have read the rest of what you've said. The best course now is another reply before much is lost in this one.