To continue on the idea of building up discussion (and so also structure) free from jewish censorship on a discussion service outside the jews control, meaning outside of services hosted on servers located in usa or on other usa controlled nations.

I've given a look at the iranian webhosting, I'm yet to find an easy solution to get a free forum over there

eh, I've found a gta forum from iran, but it's actually hosted on either canadian or american servers, what a bunch of frauds, probably because the retards have relied on cloudflare which is based in usa
found an other forum, this one seems really hosted in iran, with some data pointing instead towards the netherlands
oh shit, irindex seems to be a list of forums in iran, very valuable to search for usable candidates
there are three columns in the table, each titled as
.: خدمات چت و گفتگوی اینترنتی :. = chat sites
.: تالارهای گفتگوی تخصصی :. = topic specific forums
.: تالارهای گفتگوی عمومی :. = public forums ? maybe they meant general forums
it's a real shame though, most of the links from the "public forum" list seem dead, and also most of the chat sites are also dead, that list must be very old

these chat sites seem still alive
(it redirects to other chat forums it seems) (so many fucking popups, 100% i've got 10 viruses from that site alone)
finally landed somewhere...
(wow this chatroom looks girly, arab and girly, so weird, i've entered the women area?) (this chatroom seems to be allow posting based on some point system which I don't understand yet) (i'm starting to think this may be a pay-to-play site, oh well, it was funny to run by the menus)

an other chat site i've not checked out yet

an other forum hosted in iran

once a freely creable forum in iran is found, making it fully usable is only a matter of forum skins/css or either the addition of a client side script to translate the basic forum buttons

if you want to give a try searching for iranian forums usable for discussion without censorship, you better use persian words in the search engine query
"internet forum" in persian seems to be تالار گفتگو  (beware of the reverse right-to-left writing when copying arab text, it's very confusing at first)
using that word in their native language alone, with some search priority if your search engine has that, it's enough to get as results many forums from iran

I'm going to continue to have some fun in searching for a forum hosted in iran, this feels like searching inside the old internet again (in a time when there were many different little sites, and not few huge monopolies, the iranian part of internet seems to be still healthy in that regard), it's almost nostalgic, and funny.