I would add that the only vulnerability worth targeting as basis of a plan discussed openly, a vulnerability which the jews will not be able to cover up or fix as counter to the plan, in the case the jews get to know about the plan, is a vulnerability inside the jews themselves.
Not targeting a vulnerability in the systems created by the jews, but a vulnerability inside the jews themselves.

This can be effective, because the jews never learn, the jews never grow up culturally, they always remain a stone age barbaric tribe of parasites, unable to develop as human beings.
So any of the jews defects are perfect vulnerabilities to use as core of a plan against the jews, because the jews are unable to fix themselves.

Take for example you use as core of your plan the "greed" of the jews,
either the jews are unable to fix their greed as expected, so the plan against them is unstoppable, even if they know about it, because they either fail or refuse to give up their "greed"
or by some miracle, the jews manage to fix their greed to avoid the plan against them, so in a way the plan still obtained some result, in making the jews, even of for a short while, less cancerous and less greedy