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> . Or knowing how to mod great enough to become a game developer
I think that wasnt a call of such choice of action but an information warfare type of action for example like to this day one can see in games like team fortress 2 swastikas or hanged tranny soyack meme or in rust some very interesting humanity restoration deeds
But on the other hand it wouldnt hurt to see something magnificent as was jin roh wolf brigade that still wont fall to hands of zog and retards thinking its antifascist movie because something something protag didnt take a side and did his job that means he is antifascist
> Because both have the tendency to prevent breeding between two people of the same race. Creating incels
Sort of i have a high hopes that this is a part of jewerys mistakes because if a man is denied even an any form of escapism from sad reality the forces threw onto him he is not able to take that anymore and resorts to action
For example in idk when it was if 2022 or 2023 in hololive vtubing agency where many people who watch Vtubers wanted blood (and in some cases got it trough doxxing of some people who participated in deed and getting them into trouble) when vtuber pikamee was basically bullied off from carrier by zog mobs over hogwards legacy
> Cloudflare
The man who made it should whack an axe to a head as that thing breaks anything its connected into if someone has adblock or non zogged browser
I would also like to add to list of jewish flaws
> Hypocrisy in statements
But that is maybe in scrapegoating as english has unkike slavic languages less diverse vocabulary and word supply