Do yourself a favor and spend some little time inside
and play the game of "spot the jew" among the posters there,
it's quite easy to spot one, because they are everywhere.
I'm advising this because you can't really fight an enemy if you are clueless about their tactics and methods, their targets and the main victims, the jews nature of parasitic corruption doesn't change over time but as time changes the places they hide inside to subvert the wider society changes. (just a cohencidence they always target the kids, same goes with the teachers of the public schools )

What is happening in a and v is also happening into any smaller anime and videogame forum/site still surviving online. (there are a lot less forums now compared to the past, the big social media sites have abused the search engines for a long time to monopolize most of the internet userbase, which coupled with the influx of phone idiots around 2007-2010 only worsened things)
And this jewish infiltration inside those communities has been going on for at the least 20 years, but this likely has been going on since forums came into existence.

Likewise any talking point, or content, naming the jews and their corruption and subversions, gets removed and silenced, because the jews have been in control over those spaces, for all that time.
I can even remember a tiny anime forum, of not more than 100 active users, many many years ago, where faggotry was getting promoted, even if it had nothing to do with the focus of that place and it was out of place, same goes with a bigger videogame forum, where some faggots were grooming kids, many of those places no longer exist, but the damage done by the jews was great.
The jews have been infesting the anime and videogame discussion communities for a very long time, way before faggotry and other mental/social rot made in jew got normalized like it is now, way before faggot parades existed, way before the games and show themselves became more and more propaganda tools for spreading degeneration and societal dissolution, before all that, the jews started with polluting the discussion spaces even when the shows and games were still relatively untouched by their rotting influence, they just latched on sane shows and then injected their mental rot inside the discussion of said shows and inside their communities, like the parasites they are, so even the discussion forums about a sane show were suddently filled with talk about faggots even when there was nothing of the like in the show or game.
But right now the state of things has degenerated so much, that now it's not just the discussion communities being poisoned, but it's the games themselves promoting jewish cancerous concepts.

Just think about the frankfurt school, that was almost 100 years ago, the faggy jews are still 100% inside the universities, but they have since moved on to many other spaces to plot from within. Like explained above.
The jews must be kicked out of all the spaces they have infiltrated. Old and new spaces alike, not leaving them to spread inside any new host.